- safe forced landing
- safety
- safety-sensitive personnel
- safety area
- safety assurance
- safety data collection and processing systems
- safety management
- safety management system
- safety not assured
- safety oversight
- safety performance
- safety performance indicator
- safety performance target
- safety recommendation
- safety requirements
- safety risk
- safety risk management
- satellite navigation
- scheduled air service
- schedules facilitated airport
- scheduling season
- scramjet
- screening
- screening checkpoint
- sea glider
- sea helicopter
- seaplane
- search
- search and rescue
- search and rescue (radar) transponder
- search and rescue aircraft
- search and rescue facility
- search and rescue mission co-ordinator
- search and rescue region
- search and rescue service
- search and rescue unit
- seating configuration
- second-in-command
- secondary radar
- secondary surveillance radar
- security
- security audit
- security checkpoint
- security control
- security equipment
- security inspection
- security management system
- security programme
- security restricted area
- security survey
- security test
- segregated airspace
- segregated parallel operations
- selective calling
- semi-rigid airship
- separation minima
- series of flights
- series of slots
- serious incident
- serious injury
- settling with power
- severe storm
- severe weather
- severity
- short
- short-haul flight
- short approach
- short takeoff and landing aircraft
- shot peening
- shoulder
- shoulder harness
- shower
- shut-off valve
- sidestick controller
- sierra
- sievert
- sign
- sign a maintenance release (to)
- signal area
- significant meteorological information
- significant obstacle
- significant point
- significant weather
- significant weather chart
- simple approach lighting system
- simple touchdown zone light
- single-engine airplane
- single-engine helicopter
- sink rate
- sink speed
- situational awareness
- Six's thermometer
- skid
- slot misuse
- slot pool
- slot swap
- slot transfer
- slush
- small aeroplane
- small aircraft
- smog
- snow
- snow accumulation
- solo flight time
- southbound
- spacing
- span
- spare parts
- spatial disorientation
- special VFR flight
- speed
- squall
- squall line
- SSR response
- stability augmentation system
- stabilizer
- stall
- stall angle
- stall recovery
- stall region
- stand
- standard atmosphere
- standard instrument arrival
- standard instrument arrival route
- standard instrument departure
- standard schedules information manual
- standard time of observation
- standby
- standing water
- start-of-roll
- starter
- state aircraft
- state of charge
- State of Design
- State of Manufacture
- State of Occurrence
- State of Origin
- state of registry
- State of the Operator
- state safety programme
- static air temperature
- static wick
- station
- station declination
- stealth aircraft
- steep approach
- steep descent
- steradian
- sterile cockpit
- stick pusher
- stop bar
- stopover
- stopway
- stopway edge marker
- stores
- storm
- stowaway
- straight-and-level flight
- straight-in approach IFR
- stratocumulus
- stratus
- stroke
- subsonic aeroplane
- substantial damage
- suitable alternate aerodrome
- super high frequency
- supercharger
- supercruise
- supersonic aeroplane
- supersonic flight
- supplemental oxygen
- surface level heliport
- surface movement radar
- surface observation
- surface weather observation
- surveillance
- survival ELT
- sustainable aviation fuel
- swashplate
- sweep width (W)
- switch-over time (light)
- swivel union
- SYNOP code
- synoptic chart
- synoptic hour
- synoptic observation
- synoptic scale
- synoptic station
- synthetic flight trainer
- synthetic vision