- package
- packaging
- pallet
- papa
- parachute
- parachute pack
- parachute vent
- parachuting
- paraglider
- parasail
- parasol monoplane
- paratrooper
- paratroops
- parking area
- parking brake
- passenger
- passenger air service
- passenger aircraft
- passenger loading bridge
- passenger manifest
- passenger name record
- passenger service unit
- passport
- pavement classification number
- payload
- peel strength
- penetrating trauma
- performance-based navigation
- performance Class 1 helicopter
- performance Class 2 helicopter
- performance Class 3 helicopter
- performance criteria
- periodic inspection
- peripheral hem
- permanent magnet
- permeability
- person with disabilities
- personal flotation device
- personal locator beacon
- personal protective equipment
- personnel licensing
- persons on board
- pilot
- pilot-in-command under supervision
- pilot chute
- pilot in command
- pilot induced oscillation
- pilot weather report
- pinion
- piston
- piston-engine aeroplane
- piston-type pump
- piston engine
- piston ring
- pitch
- pitch angle
- pitch control
- pitot tube
- plain bearing
- plan position indicator
- point de livraison des bagages
- point of no return
- porous friction course
- porous friction course runway
- portable electronic device
- position light(s)
- position report
- positive control
- post spacing
- potential risk
- power stall
- power unit
- powered-lift
- powered parachute
- powerplant
- pre-flight briefing
- pre-flight information bulletin
- precession
- precipitation
- precision-approach radar
- precision approach
- precision approach and landing operations
- precision approach lighting system
- precision approach path indicator
- precision approach runway, category I
- precision approach runway, category II
- precision approach runway, category III
- precision approach terrain chart
- preflight inspection
- preignition
- preliminary report
- prepreg
- pressure
- pressure altimeter
- pressure altitude
- pressure anemometer
- pressure face
- pressure regulator
- pressurization valve
- preventive maintenance
- price
- primary flight display
- primary radar
- primary runway
- primary surveillance radar
- printed communications
- private aircraft
- private pilot
- probability
- problematic use of substances
- procedure altitude/height
- procedure design
- procedure designer
- procedure turn
- procedures for air navigation services
- profile
- prognostic chart
- propeller
- propeller diameter
- propeller hub
- propeller wash
- propfan
- propulsion engine
- propulsion system
- propulsive thrust
- protected flight zones
- protective clothing
- prototype
- PSR blip
- psychoactive substances
- public authorities