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propulsion engine
- Fonte1
- AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE AVIAÇÃO CIVIL. RBAC 34: requisitos para drenagem de combustível e emissões de escapamento de aviões com motores a turbina. Brasília, 2013. Disponível em: http://pergamum.anac.gov.br/arquivos/RBAC34EMD04.PDFhttp://pergamum.anac.gov.br/arquivos/RBAC34EMD04.PDF. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2014.
- Fonte2
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Environmental protection. Volume II: aircraft engine emissions. 3rd ed. Montreal, 2008.
- Contexto
- Taxi/ground idle: The operating phases involving taxi and idle between the initial starting of the propulsion engine(s) and the initiation of the take-off roll and between the time of runway turn-off and final shutdown of all propulsion engine(s).
- Subárea
- Engine
- Français
- moteurs de propulsion