- F-region
- F region
- facilitation
- facilitator
- factor of safety
- fairing
- false alert
- false horizon
- false start
- fan
- fanjet
- far field monitor
- fatigue
- fatigue risk
- fatigue risk management system
- feathering
- feathering pitch
- feathering propeller
- fence
- fenestron
- ferry flight
- fictitious threshold point
- field elevation
- fighter
- fin
- final approach
- final approach altitude
- final approach and take-off area
- final approach fix
- final approach point
- final approach procedure
- final approach segment
- final controller
- finger
- fire extinguishing equipment
- fire extinguishing system
- fire extinguishment
- fire hazard
- fire hose
- fire retardant
- fire station
- fire vehicle
- firefighter
- firefighting equipment
- firefighting vehicle
- fireproof material
- firewall
- firm landing
- firmament
- first-aid kit
- first aid kit
- first officer
- fitted interior
- fix
- fixed
- fixed-pitch propeller
- fixed-wing aircraft
- fixed landing gear
- fixed light
- fixed pitch propeller
- flameout
- flap
- flape
- flaperon
- flapping
- flapping angle
- flapping hinge
- flare
- flick-roll
- flight-path
- flight-path angle
- flight attendant
- flight attitude
- flight controls
- flight crew
- flight crew member
- flight data recorder
- flight deck
- flight deck door
- flight director
- flight dispatch
- flight dispatcher
- flight engineer
- flight envelope
- flight following
- flight information service
- flight inspection
- flight inspector
- flight instruction
- flight instructor
- flight intent
- flight level
- flight log
- flight management system
- flight manual
- flight mode annunciator
- flight operations officer
- flight path
- flight path alignment point
- flight path angle
- flight path vector
- flight plan
- flight plan cancellation
- flight planner
- flight planning
- flight procedure
- flight progress strip
- flight recorder
- flight regime
- flight release
- flight safety
- flight sector
- flight service station
- flight simulator
- flight strip
- flight test
- flight test aircraft
- flight time
- flight track
- flight training
- flight visibility
- flightpath
- flightpath angle
- float
- float-type carburetor
- float seaplane
- floatplane
- flood
- flooding
- flotation device
- flotation equipment
- flow control
- flow management cell
- flow management position
- fly-by-wire
- fly-by waypoint
- fly-over waypoint
- fly-up light units
- flying air show
- flying boat
- flying club
- flying wing
- flyover waypoint
- foehn
- fog
- force
- forced landing
- fore/aft servo
- forecast chart
- forecasting center
- foreign body airway obstruction
- foreign object damage
- foreign object debris
- foreplane
- form drag
- formative assessment
- forward flight
- four-engine aeroplane
- four-engine airplane
- four-engined plane
- foxtrot
- frangible object
- free balloon
- freezing
- freezing drizzle
- freezing fog
- freezing precipitation
- freight
- freighter
- frequency
- frise aileron
- front
- front spar
- frontal thunderstorm
- frost
- frozen precipitation
- fuel-no-air valve
- fuel-pressure switch
- fuel cell
- fuel control unit
- fuel distribution
- fuel dumping
- fuel endurance
- fuel exhaustion
- fuel filter
- fuel flow
- fuel flow indicator
- fuel jettisoning
- fuel nozzle
- fuel pump
- fuel quantity indicator
- fuel spillage
- fuel starvation
- fuel strainer
- fuel system
- fuel tank
- fuelling operation
- full-service airline
- full-stop landing
- full deflection
- fully articulated rotor system
- functional check flight
- funnel cloud
- fuselage
- fuselage shear load limitation
- fuselage spar