- G-load
- G load
- gale
- galley
- gapless ice guard
- gapped ice guard
- gas-bag alarm
- gas-bag net
- gas-bag wiring
- gas-turbine engine
- gas bag
- gas embolism
- gas expansion
- gas generator
- gas hood
- gas main
- gas trunk
- gas turbine engine
- gate to gate
- GBAS landing system
- gear-up landing
- general aviation
- geodetic datum
- geoid
- geoid undulation
- geometric pitch
- geostrophic advection
- geostrophic force
- glare shield
- glareshield
- glass cockpit
- glaze storm
- glide
- glide angle
- glide path
- glide path angle
- glide ratio
- glide slope
- glide slope path
- glide speed
- glidepath
- glider
- glideslope
- gliding angle
- gliding distance
- gliding range
- gliding ratio
- gliding speed
- global aviation safety plan
- global navigation satellite system
- go-around
- go around
- go overshoot
- go show
- golf
- governor
- governor failure
- gradient
- gradient of climb
- gradient wind
- gradient wind speed
- graupel
- gravity-related height
- gravity tank
- great-circle course
- Greenwich mean time
- grid
- grid map
- grid minimum off-route altitude
- grooved runway
- grooving
- gross dry weight
- gross weight
- gross wing area
- ground-based augmentation system
- ground-based medical support
- ground-effect machine
- ground adjustable-pitch propeller
- ground collision
- ground control
- ground crew
- ground effect
- ground effect machine
- ground equipment
- ground handler
- ground handling
- ground idle
- ground installation
- ground instructor
- ground loop
- ground looping
- ground operations
- ground proximity warning system
- ground resonance
- ground roll
- ground speed
- ground support equipment
- ground visibility
- ground wave
- groundspeed
- guide rope
- gull wing
- gust
- gyrodyne
- gyroplane
- gyroscope
- gyroscopic precession