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global navigation satellite system
Satellite navigation system that provides autonomous geospatial positioning with global coverage. It allows small electronic receivers to determine their location (longitude, latitude, and altitude) to within a few meters using time signals transmitted along a line of sight by radio from satellites.
FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION. Pilot's handbook of aeronautical knowledge. [s.l.], 2008. Disponível em http:// www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals /aviation/pilot_handbook/media/PHAK %20-%20Cover-Preface.pdf. Acesso em: 26 jun 2014.
An umbrella term adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to encompass any independent satellite navigation system used by a pilot to perform onboard position determinations form the satellite data. GNSS means any navigation system that satisfies stated international navigational requirements using satellite technology. A complete global navigation satellite system may include satellites provided by various states and commercial groups and be complemented by ground systems used to augment and monitor the satellites.
KUMAR, Bharat (ed.). An illustrated dictionary of aviation. New York: McGraw-Hill, c2005. 752 p.
AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE AVIAÇÃO CIVIL. IS 21-013: instruções para obtenção de aprovação de instalação de equipamentos GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) stand alone para operações VFR e IFR PBN (Performance-Based Navigation). Instruções para obtenção de aprovação de instalação de equipamentos GN. Brasília, 2012. Disponível em: http://pergamum.anac.gov.br/arquivos/IS21-013A.PDF Acesso em: 11 out.2013.
Nota adicional1
Acronym in English: GNSS.
Air Navigation
sistema global de navegação por satélite

 The Animated gif shows the constallation of the Galileo Satellites, how they are moving around the earth, and how many satellites are seen from a point of the Earth.

The Animated gif shows the constallation of the Galileo Satellites, how they are moving around the earth, and how many satellites are seen from a point of the Earth.

Fonte: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Galileo_sat_constallation.gif?uselang=es

 Navigation Satellite System used in an oil tanker: electronic nautical charts.

Navigation Satellite System used in an oil tanker: electronic nautical charts.

Fonte: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Navigation_system_on_a_merchant_ship.jpg?uselang=es