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- Definição1
- The general region of the ionosphere containing the [[F1-layer]] and [[F2-layer]].
- Fonte1
- AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. Glossary of meteorology. [S.l., última modificação 05 oct. 2015]. Disponível em: < http://glossary.ametsoc.org/wiki/Main_Page >. Acesso em: 26 jan. 2022.
- Definição2
- In solar-terrestrial terms, the upper layer of the ionosphere, approximately 120 to 1500 km in altitude. The F region is subdivided into the F1 and F2 regions. The F2 region is the most dense and peaks at altitudes between 200 and 600 km. The F1 region is a smaller peak in electron density, which forms at lower altitudes in the daytime.
- Fonte2
- UNITED STATES. National Weather Service. National weather service glossary. [20-?]. In: ______. [Homepage]. [Silver Spring, MD, 20-?]. Disponível em: < https://forecast.weather.gov/glossary.php >. Acesso em: 26 jan. 2022.
- Fonte3
- UNIVERSITY CORPORATION FOR ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH. The ionosphere. 2014. Disponível em: https://scied.ucar.edu/learning-zone/atmosphere/ionosphere . Acesso em: 26 jan. 2022.
- Contexto
- The D region usually forms in the upper part of the mesosphere, while the E region typically appears in the lower thermosphere and the F region is found in the upper reaches of the thermosphere.
- Subárea1
- Aeronautical Meteorology
- Related Term
- ionospheric storm
- Variante
- F region
- Português
- região F