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accumulated temperature
cumulative temperature
Sum of the departures of temperature (e.g., daily or monthly mean temperature) from a reference temperature, for a specific period. Sometimes, it is also measured by the total number of days (or hours) since a given date during which temperature was above a standard value.
WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION. International Meteorological vocabulary. 2nd ed. Geneva, 1992. (WMO, n.182). Disponível em: < https://library.wmo.int/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=220#.XeauGOhKiUk >. Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022.
In Great Britain, the accumulated excess of temperature above a given standard temperature. It is expressed in degree-hours or degree-days. For each day, degree-hours are determined as the product of the length of time, in hours, during which temperatures are above the standard, and the amount, in degrees, by which the mean temperature of the period exceeds the standard. Division of the resulting degree-hour value by 24 gives a value in degree-days. Summation of either over the period of interest creates the accumulated temperature.
AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. Glossary of meteorology. [S.l., última modificação 05 oct. 2015]. Disponível em: < http://glossary.ametsoc.org/wiki/Main_Page >. Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022.
Nota adicional1
In heating calculations, a form of accumulated temperature is calculated as the number of degree-days below the standard, which is taken as 65°F in the United States and 60°F in Great Britain. Since the standard temperatures differ, degree-days are not interchangeable between the two countries.
Related Term
air temperature
ambient temperature
outside air temperature
ram air temperature
static air temperature
total air temperature
temperatura acumulada