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final approach fix
- Sinônimos - Inglês
- centerline fix
- Definição1
- The fix from which the IFR final approach to an airport is executed, and which identifies the beginning of the final approach segment. An FAF is designated on government charts by a Maltese cross symbol for nonprecision approaches, and a lightning bolt symbol for precision approaches.
- Fonte1
- FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION. Pilot's handbook of aeronautical knowledge. [s.l.], 2008. Disponível em http:// www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals /aviation/pilot_handbook/media/PHAK %20-%20Cover-Preface.pdf. Acesso em: 26 jun 2014.
- Definição2
- The fix and/or waypoint located on the final approach course of an instrument approach procedure prior to the point of the glide-path intercept n a precision approach procedure; prior to the final approach fix on a nonprecision approach procedure that has a designated final approach fix; prior to any step-down fixes on a nonprecision approach procedure with designated fixesbut no final approach fix; or at a point that would permit a normal landing approach on a nonprecision approach procedure with no final approach fix or step-down fixes. It is a fix from which the final IFR (instrument flight rules) approach to an airport is executed and which identifies the beginning of the final approach segment. An FAF is indicated on the charts. A Maltese Cross Symbol is used for nonprecision approaches, and the lightning bolt symbol is used for precisions approaches. When ATC (air traffic control) directs a low-than-published glideslope or path-intercept altitude, it is the resultant actual point of the path intercept.
- Fonte2
- KUMAR, Bharat (ed.). An illustrated dictionary of aviation. New York: McGraw-Hill, c2005. 752 p.
- Fonte3
- EMBRAER. Technical dictionary english-portuguese. [São José dos Campos], 2001.
- Nota Adicional1
- Acronym in English: FAF
- Subárea
- Air Traffic Control
- Français
- repère d’approche finale