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- Fonte1
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. ICAO abbreviations and codes: procedures for air navigation services. 7th. ed. Montreal, 2007. (Doc. 8400).
- Fonte2
- WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION. Manual on codes: international codes: volume I.2: annex II to the WMO technical regulations: parte B: binary codes. parte C: common features to binary and alphanumeric codes. Geneva, 2015. (WMO, n.306).
- Nota adicional1
- Acronym in English: RA
- Contexto
- Shower (followed by RA = rain, SN = snow, PL = ice pellets, GR = hail, GS = small hail and/or snow pellets or combinations thereof, e.g. SHRASN = showers of rain and snow)
- A station capable of sensing gross type (liquid, solid, freezing) and amount would use code figures 43–48. A station capable of reporting actual types of precipitation (e.g. drizzle or rain), but not the amount, would use the appropriate whole decile number (e.g. 50 for generic drizzle, 60 for generic rain).
- Português
- chuva