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maintenance, repair and overhaul
Refers to any action, including tests, measurements, replacements, and adjustments, that helps to maintain or restore products, machinery, tooling, or plants to their working conditions. Planned, predictive, preventative, and corrective maintenance are the main forms of overhaul.
CREAFORM, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, AND OVERHAUL. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 27/11/2023.
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Human factors guidelines for safety audits manual. Montreal, 2002. (Doc. 9806).
Nota adicional1
Acronym in English: MRO.
These types of problems can permeate virtually every level of aircraft maintenance activity starting with the aircraft or component manufacturer, through daily line servicing and maintenance, repair and overhaul activities at approved maintenance organizations (AMOs).
manutenção, reparo e revisão geral