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Simple notification from party to party acknowledging the receipt of another transaction such as an inventory release or an updated order.
INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION. IATA passengers glossary of terms. In: INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION. Airline Industry Data Model. [Montreal: IATA, 15 june 2018]. Título dentro do arquivo eletrônico: RP1008, Business glossary of terms. Disponível em: https://www.iata.org/contentassets/c33c192da39a42fcac34cb5ac81fd2ea/iata-passenger-glossary-of-terms.xlsx . Acesso em: 12 jul. 2023
Nota adicional1
It may also provide information indicating the status of the document.
Nota adicional2
This document is used consistently as an optional response to a notification transaction.
notificação de recebimento