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aircraft wreckage
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Airport services manual: part 1: rescue and firefighting. 4th ed. Montreal, 2015. (Doc. 9137 AN/898).
Nota adicional1
The aircraft wreckage should remain under the custody of the [Investigation Authority] until such time as it should be released back to the owner of the aircraft, or the owner’s representative (insurance company). In many cases, the aircraft wreckage should be released in increments, depending on the needs of the investigators for testing of selected components.
Approach the scene with extreme caution. Watch for evacuating occupants, wreckage debris, fuel ponding, and other hazards. Avoid driving through any smoke which obscures your vision and potential evacuee’s. Avoid driving over any aircraft wreckage.
Aeronautical Accident Investigation
destroços de aeronave