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enhanced ground proximity warning system
BRANCO, Márcio. Na cabine de comando: curiosidades aéreas, acidentes, a crise, o caos e o céu ainda vermelho... São Paulo: Novo Século, 2009. 317 p.
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Manual of aircraft accident and incident investigation. Part III: investigation. Montreal, 2011. (Doc. 9756 AN/965).
Nota adicional1
Acronym in English: EGPWS.
Some FADECs can record up to four hours of flight, diagnose problem areas, provide a review of recent history of an engine's vital functions such as pressures, throttle position, temperatures, fuel flow, RPM and ignition system timing. Stored maintenance information may even include pressure-altitude, airspeed, engine setting, and engine fault codes. EGPWS systems record a wealth of parametric data over the period from 10 seconds before to 20 seconds after any event that triggers an EGPWS warning.
sistema de percepção e alarme de proximidade do solo