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temperature range
Temperature range Extent of diurnal or seasonal (annual) temperature variation. Generally the highest annual range of temperature is experienced in higher latitudes, especially over 65° N, which reflects the continental influences of N. America and Asia. Tropical land masses tend to have the highest diurnal temperature ranges, which in the equatorial zone are much higher than the annual variations. Annual temperature ranges in general are particularly moderated by maritime influences.
TEMPERATURE RANGE. In: FARLEX. The free dictionary. [20-?]. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 19 fev. 2020.
Difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures, or between the highest and lowest mean temperatures, during a specific time interval.
WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION. International Meteorological vocabulary. 2nd ed. Geneva, 1992. (WMO, n.182). Disponível em: < https://library.wmo.int/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=220#.XeauGOhKiUk >. Acesso em: 8 nov. 2022.
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Airport Services Manual. Part 2: pavement surface conditions. 4th ed. Montreal, 2002. (Doc 9137 AN/898).
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Manual of aircraft accident and incident investigation. Part III: investigation. Montreal, 2011. (Doc. 9756 AN/965).
The ambient temperature range for these winter runway conditions varied from –15° to 0°C.
In the temperature range of 32°F to 20°F (0°C to 6°C), ice will form on the leading edge of blades from the root to approximately 70 per cent out toward the tip with the maximum build-up of ice occurring in the middle of the affected area.
variação de temperatura