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three-engine airplane
- Sinônimos
- three-engine aeroplane
- Fonte1
- AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE AVIAÇÃO CIVIL. RBAC 23: requisitos de aeronavegabilidade: aviões categoria normal, utilidade, acrobática e transporte regional. Brasília, 2013. Disponível em: http://www2.anac.gov.br/biblioteca/rbac/RBAC23EMD61.pdf. Acesso em: 06 mai. 2016.
- Fonte2
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Circular 290: aircraft accident digest n.38 1991. Montreal, 2002. (Cir. 290-AN/168)
- Fonte3
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Circular 58: provisional acceptable means of compliance: aeroplane performance. Montreal, 1967. (Cir. 58-AN/53/2)
- Fonte4
- ANTAS, Luiz Mendes. Dicionário de termos técnicos: português-inglês. 4. ed. São Paulo: Traço, [s. d. ]. 335 p.
- Contexto
- The B707 has wing mounted engines, however, its reverser system is located in the rear of the engine, below and behind the wing leading edge, also making it less likely to affect wing lift. In the case of in-flight reverse thrust on large three or four engine airplanes, each engine produces a smaller percentage of the total thrust required for flight.
- Subárea1
- Aircraft
- Related Term
- four-engine airplane
- multi-engine aeroplane
- single-engine airplane
- twin-engine airplane
- Broader Term
- airplane
- Variante
- three-motored airplane
- Português
- avião trimotor