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INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Manual of aircraft accident and incident investigation. Part III: investigation. 1st ed. Montreal, 2014. (Doc. 9756)
The upper web static tear fracture was confirmed as having occurred a t a significant time interval before the to ta l spar failure. Preexisting fractures (relative t o the final stabilizer failure) of certain pieces of closure rib and associated s t ruc tu re in the vicinity of the upper rear spa r were also confirmed. Three small areas of fatigue were also found : one in each of the pair of centre chord t o p flange fastener holes just inboard of the t o p web fracture line, and another in the closure rib attachment lug on the forward side of the rear spar t o p chord.
Ribs are fitted to the spar at the leading and trailing edges, and are joined together with a metal strip.
Aircraft Structure