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technical guidance, tools and the provision of safety-critical information
The provision of technical guidance (including processes and procedures), tools (including facilities and equipment) and safety-critical information, as applicable, to the technical personnel to enable them to perform their safety oversight functions in accordance with established requirements and in a standardized manner. In addition, this includes the provision of technical guidance by the oversight authority to the aviation industry on the implementation of applicable regulations and instructions. CE6.
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Safety oversight manual. Part A: the establishment and management of a State's personnel licensing system. 2nd ed. Montreal, 2006.
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Annex 19 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation: safety management. 2nd. ed. Montreal, 2016.
Technical guidance, tools and provision of safety-critical information. The provision of technical guidance (including processes and procedures), tools (including facilities and equipment) and safety-critical information, as applicable, to the technical personnel to enable them to perform their safety oversight functions in accordance with established requirements and in a standardized manner. In addition, this includes the provision of technical guidance by the oversight authority to the aviation industry on the implementation of applicable regulations and instructions.
orientação técnica, ferramentas e fornecimento de informações críticas de segurança operacional