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running takeoff
rolling takeoff
A running takeoff in helicopter with fixed landing gear, such as skids, skis or floats, or a rolling takeoff in a wheeled helicopter is sometimes used when conditions of load and/or density altitude prevent a sustained hover at normal hovering altitude.
Flight Study, Helicopter Running/Rolling Takeoff. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 04/02/2023.
FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION. Helicopter flying handbook (FAA-H8083-21A). Washington, DC: FAA, 2012.
Nota adicional1
A running takeoff in a skid-type helicopter or a rolling takeoff in a wheeled helicopter is sometimes used when conditions of load and/or density altitude prevent a sus- tained hover at normal hovering altitude. However, you should not attempt this maneuver if you do not have sufficient power to hover, at least momentarily. If the helicopter cannot be hovered, its performance is unpre- dictable. If the helicopter cannot be raised off the surface at all, sufficient power might not be available to safely accomplish the maneuver. If you cannot momentarily hover the helicopter, you must wait for conditions to improve or off-load some of the weight.
To accomplish a safe running or rolling takeoff, the sur- face area must be of sufficient length and smoothness, and there cannot be any barriers in the flight path to interfere with a shallow climb.
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