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normal approach
- Fonte1
- FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION. Helicopter flying handbook (FAA-H8083-21A). Washington, DC: FAA, 2012.
- Contexto
- A steep approach is used primarily when there are obstacles in the approach path that are too high to allow a normal approach.
- Steep approach to a hover: On final approach, head your helicopter into the wind and align it with the intended touchdown point at the recommended approach airspeed (position 1). When you in tercep t an approach ang le of 15° , beg in the approach by lower ing the co l lec t ive suff ic ien t ly to s tar t the he l icop ter descend ing down the approach pa th and dece lera t ing (pos i t ion 2) . Use the proper antitorque pedal for trim. Since this angle is steeper than a normal approach angle, you need to reduce the co l lec t ive more than tha t requ ired for a norma l approach . Con t inue to dece lera te w i th s l igh t af t cyclic, and smoothly lower the collective to maintain the approach ang le . As in a norma l approach , reference the touchdown point on the windshield to determine changes in approach angle. This point is in a lower position than a normal approach. Aft cyclic is required to decelerate sooner than a normal approach, and the rate of closure becomes apparent at a higher a l t i tude . Ma in ta in the approach ang le and ra te of descent with the collective , rate of closure with the cyc l ic , and tr im w i th an t i torque peda ls . Use a crab above 50 feet and a slip below 50 feet for any cross- wind that might be present.
- Subárea1
- Piloting
- Related Term
- normal approach to a hover
- normal approach to the surface
- Português
- aproximação normal