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stop bar lights
Stop bar lights, when installed, are used to confirm the ATC clearance to enter or cross the active runway in low visibility conditions (below 1,200 ft Runway Visual Range). A stop bar consists of a row of red, unidirectional, steady-burning in-pavement lights installed across the entire taxiway at the runway holding position, and elevated steady-burning red lights on each side. A controlled stop bar is operated in conjunction with the taxiway centerline lead-on lights which extend from the stop bar toward the runway. Following the ATC clearance to proceed, the stop bar is turned off and the lead-on lights are turned on. The stop bar and lead-on lights are automatically reset by a sensor or backup timer
FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION. Pilot/controller glossary (P/CG). 2014. Disponível em: https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/pcg/index.htm. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2014.
Airport Infrastructure
Related Term
stop bar
luzes de barra de parada