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touchdown zone lighting
touchdown zone lights
Two rows of transverse light bars located symmetrically about the runway centerline normally at 100 foot intervals. The basic system extends 3,000 feet along the runway.
FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION. Pilot/controller glossary (P/CG). 2014. Disponível em: https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/pcg/index.htm. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2014.
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. ICAO abbreviations and codes: procedures for air navigation services. 7th ed. Montreal, 2007. (Doc. 8400)
Nota adicional1
Acronym in English: TDZL.
Examples (as applicable to Item E) of the NOTAM Format: a) The touchdown zone lights of RWY 27 are not available due to power failure.
Airport Infrastructure
Related Term
simple touchdown zone lights
luzes de zona de toque de pista

 Touchdown zone lighting.

Touchdown zone lighting.

Fonte: BRASIL. Comando da Aeronáutica. Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo. MANINV-BRASIL: manual brasileiro de inspeção em voo. Rio de Janeiro, 2005. Disponível em: http://publicacoes.decea.gov.br/view.cfm?id=2755. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2014.