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variable-pitch propeller
A propeller whose pitch can be changed in flight. A two-position propeller is one that can be set to a low pitch angle for takeoff, and then in flight, the pitch angle can be increased for a more economical cruise.
CRANE, Dale (ed.). Dictionary of aeronautical terms. 4th ed. Newcastle: ASA, 2006.
ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 15971-4: aeronáutica – vocabulário – parte 4: propulsão aeronáutica. Rio de Janeiro, 2011. 44 p.
Nota adicional1
A costant-speed propeller is a variable-pitch propeller whose pitch is controlled by a governor to keep the RPM of the engine constant as the air loads on the propeller change. [F2]
Nota adicional2
Information regarding this term is a result of researches developed by DECEA in cooperation with ANAC.
Aircraft Structure
variable pitch propeller
hélice de passo variável

 A Hamilton Standard variable pitch propeller on a 1943 model Stinson V77 Reliant.

A Hamilton Standard variable pitch propeller on a 1943 model Stinson V77 Reliant.

Fonte: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Stinson_V77_Reliant_CF-CAJ_02.JPG