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narrow-body aircraft
A narrow-body aircraft is an aircraft having only one aisle in the cabin with passenger seating divided into two axial groups.
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Manual on the Regulation of International Air Transport. 2. ed. Montreal: ICAO, 2004. (Doc. 9626)
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Report of the independent experts of LTTG NOx review and medium and long term technology goals for NOx: report. Montreal, 2007. (Doc. 9887).
The A350, 787, and the anticipated future new narrow-body aircraft set the boundaries for mid-term technologies. They are in place, gathering investment and rapidly climbing the TRL scale. These aircraft could dominate the fleet past 2050.
Related Term
wide-body aircraft
narrowbody aircraft
aeronave de fuselagem estreita

 This Virgin America Airbus A320 is an example of a narrow-body passenger cabin.

This Virgin America Airbus A320 is an example of a narrow-body passenger cabin.

Fonte: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Virgin_America_airplane_interior.jpg