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runway threshold light(s)
Fixed green lights arranged symmetrically left and right of the runway centerline, identifying the runway threshold.
FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION. Pilot/controller glossary (P/CG). 2014. Disponível em: https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/pcg/index.htm. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2014.
If fitted, bidirectional units, showing green towards approach and red towards runway, in continuous row across threshold (rare at displaced threshold).
GUNSTON, Bill. The cambridge aerospace dictionary. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2004. vii, 740 p. (Cambridge aerospace series.)
BRASIL. Comando da Aeronáutica. Departamento de Aviação Civil. Instituto de Aviação Civil. MMA 58-1: glossário de termos técnicos de aviação civil. Rio de Janeiro, 1989.
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Annex 14 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Aerodromes. Volume I: aerodrome design and operation. 6th ed. Montreal, 2013.
Nota adicional1
Sigla em inglês: RTHL.
Nota adicional2
Information regarding this term is a result of researches developed by DECEA in cooperation with ANAC.
Runway threshold lights shall be provided for a runway equipped with runway edge lights, except on a non-instrument or non-precision approach runway where the threshold is displaced and wing bar lights are provided.
Airport Infrastructure
luzes da cabeceira da pista

 Runway threshold lights (Fig. 13-10).

Runway threshold lights (Fig. 13-10).

Fonte: BRASIL. Comando da Aeronáutica. Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo. MANINV-BRASIL: manual brasileiro de inspeção em voo. Rio de Janeiro, 2005. Disponível em: http://publicacoes.decea.gov.br/view.cfm?id=2755. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2014.