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- Definição1
- Comity is due deference given by the authorities of one State to the official acts of another State. In regulatory practice, comity sometimes underlies the unilateral grant of a right or benefit to a foreign airline with no necessary expectation of the same treatment by that airline’s State in similar circumstances. For example, a State may, on the basis of comity, approve reduced fares or rates which a foreign government has ordered its national airline to provide to its officials.
- Fonte1
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Manual on the Regulation of International Air Transport. 2. ed. Montreal: ICAO, 2004. (Doc. 9626)
- Fonte2
- MELLO, Maria Chaves de. Dicionário jurídico: português-inglês, inglês-português. 8. ed. rev. atual. ampl. São Paulo: Método, 2006. 1038 p.
- Français
- courtoisie internationale