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wetting agent
- Definição1
- A wetting agent is defined as a chemical compound that, when added to water in proper quantities, materially reduces its surface tension, increases its penetrating and spreading abilities, and might also provide emulsification and foaming characteristics.
- Fonte1
- ESTADOS UNIDOS. Federal Aviation Administration. Advisory circular: Aircraft fire extinguishing agents. [Washington, DC], 2004. (AC n. 150/5210-6D).
- Definição2
- Surface-active agent which, usually by destroying surface tension, causes liquid to spread quickly over entire surface of solid or be absorbed thereby.
- Fonte2
- GUNSTON, Bill. The Cambridge aerospace dictionary. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2004. (Cambridge aerospace series.)
- Nota Adicional1
- Under certain fire situations “wetting agents” may be appropriate.
- Nota Adicional2
- These agents should be discharged through an in-line proportioning system to a handline so as not to contaminate the vehicles primary foam distribution system. These agents should not be mixed in any primary agent tanks.
- Subárea
- Operations
- Français
- agent mouillant