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adiabatic lapse rate
- Sinônimos - Inglês
- adiabatic gradient; moist-saturated adiabatic lapse rate; saturation-adiabatic lapse rate
- Definição1
- Theoretical temperature lapse rate of a parcel of air which moves adiabatically in the vertical.
- Fonte1
- WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION. International Meteorological vocabulary. 2nd ed. Geneva, 1992. (WMO, n.182). Disponível em: < https://library.wmo.int/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=220#.XeauGOhKiUk >. Acesso em: 19 out. 2021.
- Definição2
- The rate of decrease in temperature with height via an adiabatic process.
- Fonte2
- AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. Glossary of meteorology. [S.l., última modificação 05 oct. 2015]. Disponível em: < http://glossary.ametsoc.org/wiki/Main_Page >. Acesso em: 19 out. 2021.
- Definição3
- The rate of decrease of temperature experienced by a parcel of air when it is lifted in the atmosphere under the restriction that it cannot exchange heat with its environment.
- Fonte3
- UNITED STATES. National Weather Service. National weather service glossary. [20-?]. In: ______. [Homepage]. [Silver Spring, MD, 20-?]. Disponível em: < https://forecast.weather.gov/glossary.php >. Acesso em: 19 out. 2021.
- Fonte4
- WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION. International Meteorological vocabulary. 2nd ed. Geneva, 1992. (WMO, n.182). Disponível em: < https://library.wmo.int/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=220#.XeauGOhKiUk >. Acesso em: 11 dez. 2019.
- Contexto
- The state of a column of air in the atmosphere which has a temperature lapse rate less than the saturation adiabatic lapse rate.
- Subárea
- Meteorology
- Related Term
- lapse rate
- Français
- gradient adiabatique