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- Definição1
- In commercial aviation, the freedom of an air-transport operator to pick up passengers and freight in any country for hire or reward within the border of a given nation.
- Fonte1
- KUMAR, Bharat (ed.). An illustrated dictionary of aviation. New York: McGraw-Hill, c2005. 752 p.
- Fonte2
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Manual on the Regulation of International Air Transport. 2nd ed. Montreal: ICAO, 2004. (Doc. 9626)
- Nota Adicional1
- A cabotage right or cabotage privilege is a right or privilege, granted to a foreign State or a foreign carrier, to transport otherwise prohibited cabotage traffic. Petit cabotage involves traffic movements between two ports on the same coast of the same country (in maritime usage) and, by extension to air transport, between two airports in the same contiguous territory of a State. Grand cabotage involves traffic movements beginning and ending on different coasts of the same country (in maritime usage) and, by extension to air transport, movements between a State and a noncontiguous territory of that State.
- Subárea
- Air Transport
- Français
- cabotage