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- Definição1
- With regard to sky cover, layers refer to clouds or other obscuring phenomena whose bases are at approximately the same level. The layer may be continuous or composed of detached elements. The term layer does not imply that a clear space exists between the layers or that the clouds or obscuring phenomena composing them are of the same type.
- Fonte1
- CRANE, Dale (ed.). Dictionary of aeronautical terms. 2nd ed. Renton: ASA, 1991.
- Fonte2
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Manual of aeronautical meteorological practice. 10.ed. Montreal, 2015. (Doc. 8896)
- Contexto
- For low-level operations, including those in accordance with visual flight rules, the pre-flight and in-flight planning information on en-route conditions should cover the layer from ground to FL 100 or up to FL 150 or more in mountainous areas.
- Subárea
- Meteorology
- Français
- couche