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twin-engine airplane
- Definição1
- Although much information has yet to be gathered on the reverser/wing relationship at high speed conditions, experience on other large transport airplanes suggest that not all airplane are affected to the same degree as the B767. Future controllability assessments should include comprehensive validation of all relevant assumptions made in the area of controllability. This is particularly important for the generation of twin-engine airplane with wing-mounted high-bypass engines.
- Fonte1
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Circular 290: aircraft accident digest n.38 1991. Montreal, 2002. (Cir. 290-AN/168)
- Fonte2
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Circular 16: methods of testing at constant attitude (polar, and longitudinal characteristics). Montreal, 1951. (Cir. 16-AN/13)
- Fonte3
- TERMIUM PLUS. The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank. Disponível em http://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/. Acesso em 12 mai. 2016.
- Subárea
- Aircraft
- Related Term
- four-engine airplane
- multi-engine aeroplane
- single-engine airplane
- three-engine airplane
- twin jet
- Broader Term
- airplane
- Français
- avion bimoteur