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- Fonte1
- DUTRA, Luiz Costa e Silva. Glossário aerotécnico: inglês-português. São Paulo: Traço, 1979. 469 p.
- Fonte2
- FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION. Helicopter flying handbook (FAA-H8083-21A). Washington, DC: FAA, 2012.
- Fonte3
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Gestión del tránsito: procedimientos para los servicios de navegación aérea. 15. ed. Montreal, 2007. (Doc. 4444- ATM/ 501)
- Contexto
- Induced drag is generated by the airflow circulation around the rotor blade as it creates lift. The high-pres- sure area beneath the blade joins the low-pressure air above the blade at the trailing edge and at the rotor tips. This causes a spiral, or vortex, which trails behind each blade whenever lift is being produced. These vortices deflect the airstream downward in the vicinity of the blade, creating an increase in downwash. Therefore, the blade operates in an average relative wind that is inclined downward and rearward near the blade.
- Note 1.- Helicopters produce vortices when in flight and there is some evidence that, per kilogram of gross mass, their vortices are more intense than those of fixed-wing aircraft.
- Subárea
- Aerodynamics
- Français
- tourbillon