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common mark
- Fonte1
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Annex 7 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Aircraft nationality and registration marks. 6th ed. Montreal: ICAO, 2012.
- Fonte2
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Policy and guidance material on the economic regulation of international air transport. 3. e.d. Montreal, 2008. (Doc. 9587)
- Contexto
- The common mark shall be selected from the series of symbols included in the radio call signs allocated to the International Civil Aviation Organization by the International Telecommunication Union. Note.— Assignment of the common mark to a common mark registering authority will be made by the International Civil Aviation Organization.
- In the case of joint or international registration, all the aircraft of a given international operating agency shall have a common mark, and not the nationality mark of any particular State, and the provisions of the Convention which refer to nationality marks (Articles 12 and 20 of the Convention) and Annex 7 to the Convention shall be applied mutatis mutandis.
- Subárea
- Aircraft
- Related Term
- common mark registering authority
- Français
- marque commune