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- Usado para
- enhanced flight vision system
- Sinônimos
- enhanced synthetic vision (ESV)
- Definição1
- An electronic means to display the forward external scene topography (the natural or man-made features of a place or region especially in a way to show their relative positions and elevation) through the use of imaging sensors, such as a forward looking infrared, millimeter wave radiometry, millimeter wave radar, low light level image intensifying.
- Fonte1
- CRANE, Dale (ed.). Dictionary of aeronautical terms. 2nd ed. Renton: ASA, 1991.
- Fonte2
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. High-level safety conference 2010: Montreal, 29 march-1 april 2010: report. Montreal, 2010. (Doc. 9935)
- Fonte3
- AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE AVIAÇÃO CIVIL. RBAC 01: regulamentos brasileiros de aviação civil. Definições, regras de redação e unidades de medida. [S.l.], 2008. (Regulamentos Brasileiros de Aviação Civil)
- Contexto
- In addition, the approval of Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS) had improved the pilot’s ability to make the visual transition during the approach in low visibility flight conditions.
- Subárea1
- Flight Instruments
- Related Term
- Português
- sistema intensificador de visibilidade em voo