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- Usado para
- bank fog
- Fonte1
- WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION. Manual on codes: international codes: volume I.2: annex II to the WMO technical regulations: parte B: binary codes. parte C: common features to binary and alphanumeric codes. Geneva, 2015. (WMO, n.306).
- Nota adicional1
- BCFG should be used only when the visibility in parts of the aerodrome is 1 000 metres or more although, when the fog is close to the observing point, the minimum visibility reported by VNVNVNVNDv will be less than 1 000 metres.
- Contexto
- The letter abbreviation BCFG shall be used to report fog patches and the letter abbreviation PRFG to report fog covering part of the aerodrome; the apparent visibility in the fog patch or bank shall be less than 1 000 metres, the fog extending to at least 2 metres above ground level.
- Português
- bancos de nevoeiro