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- Usado para
- average wind aloft
- Fonte1
- INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION; INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. IAMSAR manual: international aeronautical and maritime search and rescue manual: volume 2: mission co-ordination. 3rd. ed. Montreal, 2013. (Doc. 9731)
- Contexto
- Average wind aloft (AWA) worksheet instructions: The purpose of this worksheet is to compute a weighted average of wind velocity vectors over some range of altitudes. Average wind aloft is used to compute downwind displacement of gliding aircraft and descending parachutes. The contribution of each wind observation or estimate is weighted according to the altitude range where it was in effect. For example, a wind that has been in effect for 2,000 ft will have twice as much influence on the average wind as one that was in effect for only 1,000 ft.