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- Usado para
- severe weather threat index
- Sinônimos
- SWI; stability index; threat score
- Definição1
- Convective index used to predict thunderstorms and tornadoes.
- Fonte1
- WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION. International Meteorological vocabulary. 2nd ed. Geneva, 1992. (WMO, n.182). Disponível em: < >. Acesso em: 19 out. 2021.
- Definição2
- Any of several quantities that attempt to evaluate the potential for convective storm activity and that may be readily evaluated from operational sounding data
- Fonte2
- AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. Glossary of meteorology. [S.l., última modificação 05 oct. 2015]. Disponível em: < >. Acesso em: 21 set. 2021.
- Fonte3
- AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. Glossary of meteorology. [S.l., última modificação 05 oct. 2015]. Disponível em: < >. Acesso em: 19 out. 2021.
- Nota adicional1
- The severe thunderstorm threat is considered to increase from values of about 300 and higher; tornadoes are considered to increase in likelihoodfrom values of about 400 and up.
- Subárea1
- Aeronautical Meteorology
- Português
- índice de sweat