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- Usado para
- cockpit voice recorder
- Definição1
- Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) is a crash-survivable system for recording the internal acoustic environment of the flight deck and internal cockpit crew conversation along with inter-aircraft radio communications through a cockpit area microphone (CAM), boom microphones and Public Address system (P.A.) and radio-telephony communications.
- Fonte1
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Manual of aircraft accident and incident investigation. Montreal, 2014. (Doc. 9756)
- Definição2
- Device used to record the audio environment in the flight deck for accidents and incident investigation purposes.
- Fonte2
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Annex 19 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Safe management. Montreal: ICAO, 2013.
- Definição3
- Automatic recycling recorder storing all crew radio and intercom traffic, plus back-ground noise, during previous several missions.
- Fonte3
- TERMIUM PLUS. The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank. Retrieved July 07, 2020 from
- Nota adicional1
- The CVR and CARS shall start to record prior to the aeroplane moving under its own power and record continuously until the termination of the flight when the aeroplane is no longer capable of moving under its own power. In addition, depending on the availability of electrical power, the CVR and CARS shall start to record as early as possible during the cockpit checks prior to engine start at the beginning of the flight until the cockpit checks immediately following engine shutdown at the end of the flight.
- Contexto
- The need to install cockpit voice recorders on transport aircraft results from the fact that in many accidents and serious incidents, the actions or lack of actions of the flight crew are a significant component to understanding the investigation.
- Note 1. Crash protected flight recorders comprise four systems: a flight data recorder (FDR), a cockpit voice recorder (CVR), an airborne image recorder (AIR) and a data link recorder (DLR). Image and data link information may be recorded on either the CVR or the FDR. Note 2. Lightweight flight recorders comprise four systems: an aircraft data recording system (ADRS), a cockpit audio recording system (CARS), an airborne image recording system (AIRS) and a data link recording system (DLRS). Image and data link information may be recorded on either the CARS or the ADRS.
- Subárea1
- Aeronautical Accident Investigation
- Português
- gravador de voz na cabine de comando