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- Usado para
- blowing
- Definição1
- BL (blowing) shall be used to indicate dust, sand or snow raised by the wind to a height of two metres or more above the ground. The descriptors DR and BL shall be used only in combination with the letter abbreviations DU, SA and SN, for example BLSN.
- Fonte1
- WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION. Manual on codes: international codes: volume I.1: annex II to the WMO technical regulations: parte A: annex II to the WMO technical regulations. Geneva, 2011. (WMO, n.306).
- Fonte2
- WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION. Manual on codes: international codes: volume I.2: annex II to the WMO technical regulations: parte B: binary codes. parte C: common features to binary and alphanumeric codes. Geneva, 2015. (WMO, n.306).
- Nota adicional1
- Followed by DU = dust, SA = sand or SN = snow.
- Nota adicional2
- Information regarding this term is a result of researches developed by DECEA in cooperation with ANAC.
- Contexto
- PY shall be used only in combination with descriptor BL. Blowing spray is water droplets torn by the wind from a body of water, generally from crests of waves, and carried into the air in such quantities that horizontal visibility is reduced to 6 statute miles (9 000 m) or less.
- Português
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