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manifesto de passageiros
KUMAR, Bharat (ed.). An illustrated dictionary of aviation. New York: McGraw-Hill, c2005. 752 p.
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. The facilitation manual. Montreal: ICAO, 2011. (Doc. 9957.)
Nota adicional1
Information regarding this term is a result of researches developed by DECEA in cooperation with ANAC.
The format of the Passenger Manifest is shown in Annex 9, Appendix 2, which is reproduced at the end of this chapter. This form is used to provide a list of passengers embarking on or disembarking from an aircraft engaged in international air navigation. In addition to identifying details of the aircraft owner/operator and flight information, passenger identification data are required but limited to the names and origins/destinations of each passenger, as stipulated in Article 29 of the Chicago Convention.
Air Transport
Related Term
manifeste de passagers