- observation balloon
- obstacle
- obstacle-free zone
- obstacle limitation surface
- oil control valve
- oil cooler
- oil dilution system
- oil filter
- oil pan
- oil radiator
- oil resistance
- omnidirectional beacon
- omnidirectional radio beacon
- on-condition maintenance
- on-scene
- open-water winching
- open skies agreement
- opening
- operating characteristic
- operating time
- operating weight
- operational accident
- operational check
- operational control
- operational readiness
- operational wind shear warning system
- operator
- operator of aircraft
- optimal search area
- orographic
- orographic cloud
- orographic thunderstorm
- orographic turbulence
- orthotropic
- oscar
- oscillator
- oscillatory spin
- out of ground effect
- out of ground effect hover
- outboard
- outer cover
- outer marker
- outer marker beacon
- outer packaging
- outer ridge-girder
- outward relief valve
- oven-dry-weight
- over-run excursion
- overcast
- overdue
- overflow groove
- overhang
- overlay sheet
- overload
- overpack
- overpressure height
- overrun excursion
- overshoot
- overspeed condition
- overtemperature
- overthrow straps
- overtorque
- oxigen meter
- oxygen