- M-wing
- Mach number
- machine-readable passport
- machine-readable travel document
- magnetic compass error
- magnetic variation
- main rotor
- maintenance
- maintenance echelon
- maintenance programme
- maintenance records
- maintenance release
- maintenance review board
- major change
- major modification
- major overhaul
- major repair
- maneuvering area
- manifest
- manifold pressure
- manned free balloon
- marker beacon
- marshaller
- mass rescue operation
- mast
- master connecting rod
- master minimum equipment list
- master rod
- mat
- maximum allowable clearway
- maximum certificated takeoff weight
- maximum continuous power
- maximum flap extended speed
- maximum landing gear operating speed
- maximum landing weight
- maximum performance takeoff
- maximum rated rotational speed
- maximum take-off power
- maximum take-off thrust
- maximum take-off weight
- maximum threshold speed
- maximum zero fuel weight
- mayday
- mean camber line
- mean line
- mean time between maintenance
- mean time to repair
- medical certificate
- medium frequency
- medium intensity approach light system with runway alignment indicator lights
- Mercator projection
- mercator track
- meteorological aeronautical radio code
- meteorological authority
- meteorological centre
- meteorological information
- meteorological report
- meteorological satellite
- meteorological watch office
- microburst
- microwave landing system
- mid-air collision
- mid-wing monoplane
- middle marker
- mike
- military aerodrome
- military aircraft
- minimum control speed
- minimum control speed on the ground
- minimum crossing altitude
- minimum equipment list
- minimum obstacle clearance altitude
- minimum obstruction clearance altitude
- minimum reception altitude
- minimum safe altitude
- minimum safe altitude warning
- minimum sector altitude
- minimum steady flight speed
- minor modification
- minor overhaul
- minor repair
- mishandled baggage
- missed approach
- missed approach holding fix
- missed approach point
- missed approach procedure
- missed approach segment
- mist
- mixed-flow turbine
- MLAT system
- mock-up
- moderate drizzle
- modification
- modular cooling system
- modular load unit
- moist-adiabatic process
- mongolfier
- monocoque construction
- monoplane
- monopulse secondary surveillance radar
- montgolfier
- mooring cone
- mooring point
- mooring spindle
- motor glider
- mountain wave
- movement area
- moving target indicator
- multi-engine aeroplane
- multi-engined airplane
- multi-sensor navigation system
- multiplane
- multiple disc brake