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Back to: "Y"yaw
- Definição1
- (aircraft flight condition). A flight condition of an aircraft in which the aircraft rotates about its vertical axis. Yawing is not the same as turning, because an aircraft can be yawed and continue in straight flight with the wind striking it from the side. When an airplane is turned, it follows a curved flight path, with the wind always flowing parallel to its longitudinal axis.
- Fonte1
- CRANE, Dale (ed.). Dictionary of aeronautical terms. 2nd ed. Renton: ASA, 1991.
- Definição2
- The movement of a rotorcraft about its vertical axis.
- Fonte2
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Annex 6 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation: operation of aircraft. Part I: international commercial air transport: aeroplanes. 9th ed. Montreal, 2010.
- Fonte3
- AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE AVIAÇÃO CIVIL. Direção. Resolução n. 318, de 14 de maio de 2014. Aprova condição especial para o avião EMB-550, aplicável a assentos orientados transversalmente, de simples e múltipla ocupação, com ou sem incorporação de sistema airbag. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, 16 maio 2014, Seção 1, p. 03. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 maio 2014.
- Nota adicional1
- Information regarding this term is a result of researches developed by DECEA in cooperation with ANAC.
- Contexto
- The minimum control speed is such that, when any one engine is made inoperative at that speed, it is possible to recover control of the aeroplane with the one engine still inoperative and to maintain the aeroplane in straight flight at that speed either with zero yaw or with a bank not in excess of 5 degrees.
- Subárea1
- Aerodynamics
- Related Term
- yaw damper
- yaw string (yaw indicator)
- Português
- guinada
- Imagem
The pitch, roll and yaw motion along the lateral, longitudinal and vertical axes, respectively.