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- Definição1
- The fixed horizontal tail surface on an airplane. The stabilizer is set on the airplane so it provides the correct amount of stabilizing downward aerodynamic force when the aircraft is flying at its normal cruise speed. The elevators are hinged to the trailing edge of the stabilizer.
- Fonte1
- CRANE, Dale (ed.). Dictionary of aeronautical terms. 2nd ed. Renton: ASA, 1991.
- Fonte2
- ARAÚJO, João Richard Barcelos. Inglês técnico: técnicos em manutenção de aeronaves. [S.l]: [s.n.], [200-]. 100 p.
- Fonte3
- INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. Manual of aircraft accident and incident investigation. Part III: investigation. 1st ed. Montreal, 2014. (Doc. 9756)
- Contexto
- Most helicopters have a horizontal stabilizer mounted on the tail boom and some have a stabilizer mounted on the vertical fin. In some cases it is fixed, and in others it is connected to the flight controls and controlled by either the cyclic or collective and some are controlled automatically by speed sensing in the automatic flight control system (AFCS).
- Subárea1
- Aircraft
- Related Term
- horizontal stabilizer
- stabilizer bar
- Português
- estabilizador