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precision approach path indicator
An airport lighting facility, similar to VASI, providing vertical approach slope guidance to aircraft during approach to landing.
FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION. Pilot/controller glossary (P/CG). 2014. Disponível em: https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/pcg/inde x.htm. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2014.
BRASIL. Comando da Aeronáutica. Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo. MACAR: manual de confecção de cartas aeronáuticas. Cartas IFR. Rio de Janeiro, 2014. Disponível em: http://publicacoes.decea.gov.br/download.cfm?d=4014. Acesso em: 09 jun. 2014
Nota adicional1
Information regarding this term is a result of researches developed by DECEA in cooperation with ANAC.
Nota adicional2
Acronym in English: PAPI.
They consist of a single row of either two or four lights, normally installed on the left side of the runway, and have an effective visual range of about 5 miles during the day and up to 20 miles at night. PAPIs radiate a directional pattern of high intensity red and white focused light beams which indicate that the pilot is “on path” if the pilot sees an equal number of white lights and red lights, with white to the left of the red; “above path ” if the pilot sees more white than red lights; and “below path” if the pilot sees more red than white lights.
Air Navigation Aids
indicador de trajetória de aproximação de precisão