
Department of Airworthiness - SAR
SAR    Structure
Department of Airworthiness - SAR
Branch responsible in Brazil for design and production certification of civilian aeronautical products.  At the end of each process approvals are issued, such as:
  • Type Certificate (CT) and its Type Certificate Data Sheet:
    - Airplanes (EA)
    - Balloons and Airships (EB)
    - Propellers (EH)
    - Rotorcrafts (ER)
    - Aeronautical Engines (EM)
    - Gliders and Powered Gliders (EP)
  • Supplemental Type Certificate (CHST)
  • Export Certificate of Airworthiness (CAE)
  • Attestation of Approved Aeronautical Product (APAA)
The Department of Airworthiness - SAR also has the responsibility to elaborate corrective actions for the products that operate in Brazil through Airworthiness Directives.
Aeronautical Certification is the recognition by the government that the design of an aeronautical product is in accordance with the airworthiness requirements adopted by the Country, and is considered safe for the flight.
Organization Chart
Last Modified: 09 Sep. 2008

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